Post by Saza on Jul 29, 2010 14:38:01 GMT
For you newbies, HI AND WELCOME. Good to see you! But I digress. The main point I'm here is to say hi, I'm an old member, ex-staff and now I just lurk a ton. Anyways, I don't remember exactly when I joined, I think it was around January '09. I don't even know. Started out as your average user, made my way up the respek latter pretty quickly and was made a Global Moderator. This was the high point of my ODBF career. I stayed that for a while until stuff happened here and people left and whatnot and I was made an Administrator for a little bit. Then, stuff got worse, I got demodded for some stuff that's Staff info (you guys remember that, right?) and then I just got angry over it and delete my account and stuff and left for a good period of time. Not that that bothered me that much as my main forum I browsed was Facepunch, I know dhoom and nmagain know of this forum. So I lurk here and rarely post. Wall of text, I know. Read it, find out I'm old oldfag
Post by ~Memzak~ on Jul 29, 2010 17:01:51 GMT
I remember you... *does oldfag dance* Although... I also tend to lurk a lot on this forums lately... no where near as active as 3 weeks ago when I wasn't at school... but alas... I am at school now.... [/offtopic] WELCOME BACK!
Post by Saza on Jul 29, 2010 23:19:00 GMT
I'm in summer break and still inactive, even though this would be the only forum I can post on due to the fact I was a smartass on FP and got myself banned until the 19th.
Post by nmagain on Jul 30, 2010 9:36:13 GMT
So,you're just using us as a back up forum when you're banned from facepunch?.....fu*k you :V
Post by ~Memzak~ on Jul 30, 2010 14:12:09 GMT
oh well....
At least we see him sometimes....
Post by Saza on Jul 30, 2010 15:09:11 GMT
I don't use it as a backup forum NM :v
Post by Qwerty on Aug 1, 2010 22:00:20 GMT
Surrah for S4ikins. One of the testers of Cube2.
Post by Saza on Aug 2, 2010 0:06:31 GMT
Yeah, that's me.
Also, your mods aren't A++ and I'm sorry to say I'm pulling out again.
I might come back because I'm really really bored and this is kinda fun to mess with TSL and MF who dont know what they're doing
Post by Draxorion on Sept 8, 2010 1:32:05 GMT
I know you from various experiences... I'm sorry to say that I can't say hello again...
Post by Qwerty on Sept 11, 2010 7:40:01 GMT
Ah dangit. Well, not all mods can be A++. Just make sure you come back, or I'll pester you on STEAM about 26% more than I do now.